Conservatives Fleeing Republicans: Another Rant and a Positive Charge

Republican_ElephantI am sick of these folks on the conservative side throwing in the towel on the Republican Party. I admit that I do not like the Democrat direction the party is going, but I feel the conservative portion of the Republican Party should stay in and fight to take it back from the Carl Roves, Jeb Bushes and all the rest of that non conservative Republican crowd. Republican conservatives are losing in part due to not being able to pass the social positions to the young folks. Many are okay with conservative fiscal positions, but not on such social conservative positions against abortion and gay marriage. That has to be dealt with at the spiritual level. So pray.

Conservatives are angry with elected officials at various levels. Right now much anger is in the direction of  the congressional representatives and senators in Congress. We can’t vote out such senators as the RINO (Republicans In Name Only) labeled John McCain and Lindsey Graham unless we are registered voters in their respective states. We can only pray, hope and maybe send some money for a primary challenger that can win against the Democrat opponent in general election. The primary challengers should be another Christine O’Donnell, Sharon Angle or Todd Akin. But after saying that, they can come from the TEA Party like Sen. Ted Cruz. Oh, we need Ted Cruz replete throughout this country.

Here I go again. Please, No 3rd party! Too many conservatives want to go that route. Of course while establishing another party, you know that the Democrats will go unfettered as you try to get the 3rd party on the ballot in each state, especially the closed primary states. Just think the Democrats will have the executive, the legislative and the judicial branches of government all to themselves and doing unrepairable damage to this country. I am still for holding on and fighting from within. We can do it. Well at least Glenn Beck believes so. I leave you with his positive charge to fleeing Republicans.



Santorum, Gingrich, Romney and Paul

Attaining the Republican presidential nomination in 2012 is not being wrapped up as quickly as it was in 2008 with John McCain or 2000 with George W. Bush. I am presently surprised that Rick Santorum is still a viable candidate. One of my Democratic family members asked what did Mr. Santorum do and did he not lose his last senatorial incumbent election in 2006? Even conservative talk show host Michael Medved noted some months back that Santorum’s senate loss did not make for a good presidential candidate.

Really, Rick Santorum has lasted this long, because those supporting and voting for him agree with what he is saying and not giving his prior election loss much consideration. Even though with the current delegate count, Mitt Romney at this point looks like he will be the Republican challenger to Pres. Obama in the fall. For me, it is Rick Santorum. Newt Gingrich runs a close second. Mitt Romney behind Santorum and Gingrich. Ron Paul is last on my primary voting list. Yes, I am struggling a little with voting conscience over pragmatism. In November, I will vote for the Republican presidential candidate against Pres. Barack Obama. That vote will come from both conscience and pragmatism.


Non-Voting Conservatives Means Another Term For Pres. Obama

In 2008, right-side thinking folks like a late blogging buddy and Joseph Farrah, editor-in-chief of the right conservative chose not to vote in the presidential election. Remember his “None of the Above” campaign and book? He and others on the right could not support Republican presidential nominee, Sen. John McCain, because he was not strong in conservatism. Well, I feel the non-voting action of people like Mr. Farah helped Barack Obama become the President of the United States. I do not think a McCain administration would resemble this current one as Mr. Farah does. I just cannot see Obamacare type legislation and its controversies under a Pres. McCain.

For conservatives who do not like any of the 2012 Republican presidential candidates, please do not do what Joseph Farah did in 2008. Do not stay home on Nov. 6, 2012 or vote for some 3rd party candidate who has no chance of winning. Democrats are counting on disaffected conservatives to do just that. They know that helps Barack Obama to remain the President for another term. Oh the damage he could do with a 2nd term! Pres. Obama seems pretty confident that he will get another term too!

Do not forget what you just heard in this video and vote Republican in November. Do not give Barack Obama another term.

Having a Vote that Means Something in the 2012 Primary/Caucus Season

Well it looks like I may have a say with my April 24th presidential primary vote. The Republican National Committee amended Rule 15b for the 2012 presidential nominating process. It is apportionment of delegates for the Republican presidential candidates before April 1st; afterwards, the winner of the state primary and caucus votes takes all the state’s delegates.

The Democrats do apportionment throughout the primary/caucus season. When it is close like it was in 2008 with then Democratic presidential candidates Obama and Clinton, votes were necessary to the end of the primary/caucus season. It was winner take all in 2008 for the Republicans. Sen John McCain had the 1144 delegates needed for the presidential nomination before the April PA Primary. If the delegates had been proportional, my vote would have counted for something and it would have gone to Mike Huckabee.

The apportionment did not work in 2004 when I was still a Democrat. Sen. John Kerry had enough delegates before the PA Primary, which was held in May back then. I was not that upset, because I was pretty much on board for Sen. Kerry. Sometimes I feel all the caucuses should be held on 1 day and the primaries on 1 day in the next week or at least within a month of the caucuses so that every voter has a say in choosing the presidential party nominee. It is even worse for the states who have primaries and caucuses after April, especially Utah which is at the end of June. Really, how often has this state’s individual’s primary vote meant anything! Go here to see the 2012 primary/caucus schedule.

A Forgotten Celebration

Did you remember today is Armed Forces Day? Established under Pres. Harry Truman’s administration in 1949, this indeed is a special day. The first celebration of Armed Forces Day took place on May 20, 1950. There is an alarming disrespect for the Armed Forces these days. During Sen. John McCain’s presidential run in 2008, there was an unbelievable amount of mocking of his time as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam and his naval service in general. In an urban radio chat room, someone mocked another chatter’s relative for serving in Iraq, by calling the military person a murderer. Now you know that was unconscionable.

I have great respect for those who serve and put their lives on the line in the protection of this country.  I salute our Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force. God bless the Armed Forces.