These Endorsers and Ronald Reagan

Black Leaders_Reagan

A Facebook friend asked who were the black men in the photo. I was the first to respond. I recognized the first on the left, Charles Evers right away. He went on to be a mayor in Mississippi and go Republican. He was also the brother of the late civil rights activist, Medgar Evers. The other two black men in the 1980 photo with then Republican presidential candidate, Ronald Reagan are civil rights activists/leaders were Hosea Williams and Rev. Ralph Abernathy. These men endorsed Ronald Reagan for President. In my mind, I only remember Rev. Abernathy endorsing Pres. Reagan. I also remember my thinking that something was wrong with Rev. Abernathy for endorsing a Republican presidential candidate.

I tried to listen to and like Ronald Reagan as President, but back then, I was too engulfed in group black think. That had me viewing Pres. Reagan through the ‘Democrats only for blacks’ tunnel vision. So yes back then, I did mistake Ronald Reagan’s belief in keeping government out of the average American’s life as a cover for doing nothing about racial injustice. My thinking was also shaped by my Democrat voting parents and the legislative branch of government passing laws against segregation and against denying some legal citizens of color the right to vote in the 60s during my junior high years. Times grew different and finally so did my thinking.

Here’s a Pretty Good Opportunity

My Republican Senator, Pat Toomey is up for reelection in 2016. So far, I am generally okay with him. Unfortunately, I have PA reelected Democratic Senator, Robert P. Casey for another 6 years in 2012, but I want all of you who live in the states of the 10 vulnerable Democrats to vote and to legally and ethically do whatever else you can during the campaign season to replace these Democrats with  conservatives in 2014. Hey! Even all of you who live in the so-called safe states do what you legally and ethically can to rid your state of the Democratic Senator up for reelection.

It would do the conservative and Republican side good to have the majorities in the House and the Senate. I constantly read naysayers’ comments about the President vetoing legislation from a full Republican majority Congress. They do not think about proposed Democratic bills being held at bay, not getting out of committee like what happens now with Republican bills in the Senate. Please do not sit out 2014 and give the Democrats another victory.  Do not blow this opportunity.

More ACA and Sandra Fluke

I decided not to post every news link on the fiasco that the Affordable Care Act is so far on my Facebook page. I already have so many! I say so far, because I feel it being Pres. Obama’s signature legislation, the administration will do the honest and the dishonest to keep it from remaining a permanent fiasco. Well, I saw a  news links today about HHS Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius trying sign someone up and the healthcare website crashed. That will make it to mypage you can view it here

I know I am getting pretty frequent with ACA posts on this blog too! Well,  I could not resist the following ACA related meme from Liberal Logic 101.

Sandra F1_liberal logic101

It should be no surprise that there are plenty of folks out there who have no problem with  the use of your tax money paying for the contraceptives so single women like Ms. Sandra Fluke can obtain them free of cost to have sex.

Health Care Premiums Before and After

The Affordable Care Act – ACA also known as Obamacare did not get off to a good start. With hardly no corrections, the problems continue with trying to register online past 2 weeks after the rollout. Lousy technology! Not all, but still many people are finding out health care insurance premiums under the ACA are more costly than they ever thought. Checkout  how the premiums are faring state by state in the chart  below from
