2015 The 4th of July

It is our country’s Birthday. I celebrate and thank the Lord for being born in the United States. I say this despite my major ancestral history which deals with slavery and segregation. I blame no one today for what went down in the past. Those who are responsible are experiencing their eternal fate. Some I will meet when I go to be with the Lord because HE forgave them for their sins just like he forgave me through His son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Currently, as much as I love this country, I am not happy with its direction. Economically, we could be like Greece faster than any of us think. Spiritually, we continue to ignore the Word of God. Well, God is not mocked! I pray for a turnaround.

Bless the Nation_Psalm 33_12Enjoy today your celebrations with family and friends


Greece I saw a meme posted by a friend who is a liberal Democrat and who is further down that leftist road some months ago. It described how Greece was going to fix its financial situation with a leftist economical approach. Now that Greece is in default, it obvious that those leftist measures did not work. This person has not posted anything on Greece since then. Really, what happen to Greece is a tribute to the consequences of decades of government giving nationwide free provisions without the finances to pay for them. It is failed socialism. Look what Greece is doing to its citizens now!

Greek MythologySteve Breen Cartoon