California: The Thrill is Gone

There was a time when the idea of moving out to California was a delightful thought. Just the warmer weather in central and southern California was enough for me to leave southeastern PA. I spent 4 days in Anaheim, California back in 2004. I was there to attend a national early childhood conference. I also got to go to Disney Land and travel a little part of the Pacific Coast highway. I thought my ranch home would fit in fine in some of the Anaheim neighborhoods. All my house needed was that southern California stucco facade on the front. But now when I see what is happening in California due to Democratic, liberal and leftist policies, the thrill is gone.

Disgusted Conservatives

Rino republicans

Conservatives continue to grow in disgust of the Republican Party. I keep hearing that conservatives need to get a new party. This time it is due to the Republican Senate vote that helped the amnesty immigration bill closer to becoming law that puts illegal immigrants on a path to citizenship. Many conservatives are so disgusted with the one time Republican conservative darling,  Sen. Marco Rubio. He is a member of a bipartisan group called the gang of 8, who are behind this immigration bill. Also on the disgusted list are the Republican Senators who voted for this bill.

Sen. Rubio and the affirmative voting Republican Senators get the RINO (Republicans In Name Only) label plastered all over them for going along with a bill that gives people who willfully broke U. S. laws through the way they entered this country and to those who overstayed their visas. I do admit that I am okay with Congress trying to do a little something for the children brought here illegally by their parents. These senators voted for a bill they received with not enough time to read and study it in its entirety.  The bill as law will do this in the employment arena. How can any of us go along with a situation like that! Well, this immigration bill next has to go through the House. It should die there, but that is not a certainty.

There is so much talk of voting out these so-called RINOS and even recalling the once highly touted conservative Republican Sen. Marco Rubio. But in doing so, the conservative Republican voter must replace them with strong conservative candidates who have a better than good chance of a general election victory. We do not need anymore like Christine O’Donnell, who beat out the Republican incumbent senator in the primary only to be trounced by the Democratic candidate in the general election. We do not need candidates that do not have the good sense to know not to make screwed up comments, such as Tod Aiken and Richard Murdock did about rape.

Finally, please watch the racist remarks. I know there are those racist types among both the Democrats and the Republicans.  But somehow, the Democrats always get a pass, while the Republicans get the biggest brightest light shown on them. Just within the last few weeks, a County Republican Party Chairman supporter to a congressional candidate had to disappear (he also apologized) for making racial stereotypical remarks about a competing primary Republican candidate of color. Oh, to have a Ted Cruz type conservative Republicans elected from all over the country! Am I dreaming or what?

Graduation Celebration in My Household

2013 High schl_grad Alexa

Congratulations to my twin nieces who graduated high school Wednesday, June 19, 2013. It was a gorgeous non humid bright sunny day for the outside graduation ceremony. There were close to 1000 graduating. The class leaders announced each graduate’s name as they received their diploma. Even with the speeches, the ceremony was not dull or drawn out. It was absolutely beautiful.

I have been a 2nd mom to my twin nieces, as we have always lived in the same household. Time has truly flown by. It does not seem that long ago that the were born 2 months premature. They are such a joy! God bless them both as they continue their academic career in meeting the challenges of college.

2013 High schl_grad Ana

Every Knee Bow and Every Tongue Confess: Jesus is Lord

EveryKneeBowed_Jesus is Lord

Philippians 2:10-11

That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.