2015 The 4th of July

It is our country’s Birthday. I celebrate and thank the Lord for being born in the United States. I say this despite my major ancestral history which deals with slavery and segregation. I blame no one today for what went down in the past. Those who are responsible are experiencing their eternal fate. Some I will meet when I go to be with the Lord because HE forgave them for their sins just like he forgave me through His son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Currently, as much as I love this country, I am not happy with its direction. Economically, we could be like Greece faster than any of us think. Spiritually, we continue to ignore the Word of God. Well, God is not mocked! I pray for a turnaround.

Bless the Nation_Psalm 33_12Enjoy today your celebrations with family and friends


Greece I saw a meme posted by a friend who is a liberal Democrat and who is further down that leftist road some months ago. It described how Greece was going to fix its financial situation with a leftist economical approach. Now that Greece is in default, it obvious that those leftist measures did not work. This person has not posted anything on Greece since then. Really, what happen to Greece is a tribute to the consequences of decades of government giving nationwide free provisions without the finances to pay for them. It is failed socialism. Look what Greece is doing to its citizens now!

Greek MythologySteve Breen Cartoon

Happy Father’s Day 2015

What else can I say about my wonderful, marvelous father that I have not said in previous Father’s Day blog posts that you can view by going through the month of June starting in 2011 or hitting the Father’s Day tag? My father loved the Lord and he was so friendly! Although I deeply miss him, he is with the Lord which is the best place to be for eternity. One day I will be with him again.


My father loved traditional Christian music. He loved hymns. Here is one hymn sung in his preferred music style. I can picture him now singing along in his tenor voice.

2015 Mother’s Day Tribute

mom_me_2013I posted about my mother for Mother’s Day since doing this blog. She is still going strong at 89 years of age. If you go through my Mother’s Day May posts in this blog’s archive, you will find out that my mother made fabulous suites, dresses, and hats. She was the kind of parent teachers loved because she would not stand for me and my siblings cutting up in school. We had to behave and respect the teachers. My mother loves the Lord Jesus Christ as her savior. You will also read of her health issues and realize that the good Lord blessed her to still be here with a sharp mind. Thank you, Lord.

Mothers Day2

The photo of my mother and me is from early April of 2013. She still looks the same. I always post a music selection that she especially enjoys. For this year, it is Every Praise by Hezekiah Walker.