My Talk Radio Programs

Microphone_talk radioMy talk radio listening keeps evolving. There was a time when I could listen to one entire talker program on the liberal side. This was a local based talk show on Philly’s one and only urban talk radio station. The radio talk host is a liberal/lefty but he was a consummate professional. He had a chat room going while he program was on the air. He was always polite and respectful while disagreeing with my growing right-wing comments. He gave up his radio talk show to accept a reporter gig on TV program, Chasing New Jersey.

The station has one syndicated liberal/left talker, Al Sharpton. I now have a hard time listening to him for more than five minutes. I use to be able to put up with him for about 45 minutes. In my birth and growth as a conservative, I am about seven and half years along and now wondering as a thinking adult, how did I stay in the liberal/lefty camp for over thirty years of my life.

There are so many local and syndicated right-wing radio talkers these days. I find myself listening to some for a while and then turn to their competition for a while. I listen to the syndicated talkers such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham. I listen to local Philly talk folks such as Dom Giordano and Fox News exile, Dick Morris. I listen online to local talker, James T. Harris, because his program is on in Tuscon, Arizona. I listen online to other radio talkers, such as Herman Cain, Brian Kilmeade and delayed Mark Levin programs.

New to my regular online listening is Christian talk programming, such as Janet Parshall’s In the Market Place and Steve Deace. I really like Steve Deace. He use to be on a local Philly talk  station at his 9 P. M. broadcast time. I do not like that the station bumped him to 3 A. M., so I listen to him online. Mr. Deace discusses the political, social and cultural through a biblical world view.

I am participating in Steve Deace’s weekly (Republican) Candidate Survivor Island in where you vote for the possible Republican presidential candidates that you do not want to see as the 2016 Republican presidential candidate and eventually the next President. So far participants voted Gov. Chris Christie, Rep. Peter King, Jeb Bush and Haley Barbour off the Island. This evening I cast my vote for Donald Trump to be the next to go. If you want to participate, go here. You will have to give your name, email address and answer a few more questions, before you get to the page with the candidates’ names. You will have until next Monday in the afternoon to cast your vote and you will hear Mr. Deace announce who got the boot on his program later that evening or read it on his Facebook page or on Twitter.

I enjoy listening to the various individuals on the right. I do not  agree with them one hundred percent, but I find myself not agreeing with anything I hear coming from liberal lefties. This is a strong indication that I am really maturing in my right-wing thinking. 

Here We Go With Zo Breaking It Down Again

Here is another goody from Zo. He starts off with Rev. William Barber who comes across to me as resentful and intolerable of blacks who left or were never a part of the Democratic plantation. Oh this thing of blacks must be Democrats continues to be so pervasive! His branding of black Republican Senator, Tim Scott as a ventriloquist’s dummy and also saying that TEA Parties used minorities as mouthpieces are ridiculous and gives an insightful peek into this man’s nature.

Zo goes on to talk about other issues. I agree with him about the so-called tolerant liberals wanting to control just about everything. And MSNBC! That cable news network’s president, Phil Griffin had the nerve to say the network has no ideology when they do. MSNBC is off the charts with opining and analyzing through its racism worldview with leftist solutions. And how about the apologies the network has had to put forth with the latest over an intolerable tweet about Cheerios’ new commercial with the interracial family!

There was a time when I could sit through most of an MSNBC program, but these days, whoever I watch on that network, I barely make it to 5 minutes before I change the channel. Most of the program hosts are so arrogant to the point that one would think they were at the top with viewer ratings. Of course, Fox News dominates cable news with viewer ratings. Well, when you come down to it, MSNBC is the Obama network. That it for now, but make sure you hear Zo at the end on being a Republican against as I see it, the Democrat continued assault through its super racism weapon.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck

Elisabeth Hasselbeck is leaving The View to take over one of the host position on Fox and Friends vacated by Gretchen Carlson, who is moving on to her own Fox program in September. Remember back in March, news reports were that Ms. Hasselbeck’s contract was not E Hasselbeck_View Ladiesgoing to be renewed and Barbara Walters said that was not true? Well either Ms. Walters did not tell the truth or maybe Ms. Hasselbeck did not want to renew her contract and was not ready for the news be public back then.

I started wondering if Elisabeth was not going anywhere, why was she absent from the show as much as Joy Behar. Ms. Behar had officially announced her departure to be at the end of the season. Those two were absent once or twice every week since April. Elisabeth Hasselbeck was the only person on The View panel who identified as conservative.  I wander among the 2 replacements, will one of them be a conservative thinker!`

I am seeing a lot of happy reaction to Ms. Hasselbeck leaving The View and joining Fox News on various online news and social websites coming from politically conservative folks. These same folks are also making nasty comments about her View co-hosts. Oh, the nasty name calling! I guess the thinking is that the conservative Ms. Hasselbeck has nothing to do with Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, Sherri Shepherd and Ms. Walters outside of The View.

I know there are some extreme thinkers of political ideologies that cannot deal with those of differing political views. Ms. Hasselbeck does not fall into that category. She is particularly close to super Obama supporting Sherri Shepherd. People of differing political views can be loving friends. Watch Elisabeth Hasselbeck speak of her View buddies.

A Recent Favorite from Megyn Kelly

I do not always agree with Fox News’ Megyn Kelly but I am a fan. Most folks do not fair to well opposing and challenging her. Ms. Kelly just went on maternity leave for the 3rd time within 4 years. When she returns, it will be in a prime time slot. Right now Fox News is quiet on how the changes to the prime time line up will come into being. On her last day this past Wednesday, she spotlighted her favorite moments on her America Live with Megyn Kelly program. They were all good, but this one with Lou Dobbs and Erik Erickson is one of my recent favorites of the spotlighted.

Choosing to Ignore the March for Life, Again!

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It looks like a good portion of main stream media chose to ignore the March for Life again! A big deal is made of college football player, Manti Te’o’s imaginary girlfriend to the point that it is a major discussion on TV news programs for days. Katie Couric gets hive fives for nailing the first interview with Mr. Te’o. Hundreds and hundreds of thousands take part in the March for Life against abortion on Friday, Jan. 25th and Fox News is just about the only media outlet that gives the March any news coverage. I do not think C-Span even bothered to cover it.

I did not know anything about the March for Life until I started watching Fox News when my cable company starting airing the cable news station in 2001. Just think, the March for Life came into being in 1974 against the 1973 Roe vs Wade Supreme Court pro abortion decision! The march against abortion is more than equal to the Manti Te’o story. With the Obama administration being so pro-choice/death (baby killing), the media news folks should be presenting the dissenting position.