Blogging Return: Trouble Making Subject For Me

Well, it sure has been a while! The little posting that I did dealt with special days and holidays. Just when it was time to take this blog away from WordPress and make it my own, I lost the blogging fever. That fever has yet to fully return, but it is long past time to put a post on this blog.

ImpeachOkay, I am blogging after a long while on a subject, that had me fussing in past blog posts, but it still gets to me and also gets me in to trouble. Last Saturday, a person angrily responded to my comments on his Facebook page and unfriended me. This self-proclaimed Christian man was so angry at my comment that he used some curse words. Of course it was about Pres. Obama. Just because, I respond with correct information that does not hurt Obama does not mean, I am secretly for him. As far as the unfriending goes, I replaced him with a new Facebook friend. I was commenting on his ‘Impeach Obama’ meme.  He did not like my comment of the required 67 Senate votes for conviction and that Obama was not going anywhere until Jan 20, 2017.

I see plenty of ‘Impeach Obama’ memes on Facebook. This tells me that there are many in this country  who have an inaccurate knowledge base of the presidential impeachment process. There are too many people who think impeachment equals removal from office and that is wrong. Remember Bill Clinton suffered impeachment, but he was not convicted and finished out his 2nd term. Oh, the millions spent on trying to remove Clinton from the Presidency and in the end, that did not happen! If impeachment does not result in a conviction and removal from office, then it is a waste of time and money.

Impeachment is really an indictment. The removal from office only comes after the trial and deliberation of the Senate with a guilty verdict. The guilty verdict requires 2/3 i.e. 67 Senate vote. In the Republican vs the Democrat realm, there are not enough votes in the Senate for a conviction. There is anger with the House so far for not getting the impeachment process underway. But the House knows the Senate does not have the 67 votes for a conviction.

I think many of those who want impeachment as my ex-Facebook friend are among the crowd that held back their vote or voted for some 3rd party candidate that could not possibly win in 2012 due to anger with the Republican Party. That anger was so volatile, that they did not care that Barack Obama would receive another term, but now they do. Desiring impeachment is a way of making amends with themselves for allowing their actions to help Pres. Obama to another term. Read up on the process of a presidential impeachment here.

The ACA and Other Things

obamacare logoWell things have been more than bumpy for my Democratic friends due to the imploding of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) also known as Obamacare. I continue to hear a fierce defense from some and while others have become real quiet. The latest is that a bill passed in the House that says you can keep your health plan with the help of 39 Democrats. This is for those who are experiencing cancellation of their current health care plan because of not meeting the new criteria specified in the ACA. You know it is bad when Democrats who are up reelection next year are siding with Republicans. So far, it is just not going well at all for Pres. Obama’s signature legislation.

Please note that the employer mandate is under delay until about 2015. With millions across the country losing their health plans due to not meeting the new criteria in the ACA under the individual mandate, just think what could happen if the employer mandate was in place now as originally planned! Think of increased loss of health care coverage due to employers not being able to meet the new ACA criteria. Well some folks are already experiencing that loss as employees. But if both mandates were in play now, the ACA would be just about gone.

In other happenings, in this past local election,  my borough experienced mostly Republican victories with the mayor and borough council. There were Democratic victories with the judges. Due to limited access to the Internet, I am not able to blog like in the past. My household decided to save some money by going with a personal hot spot which is not working out well. This has slowed down the start of my Christian blog, but I have not given up on it. I hope to be back with full Internet Access in the new year or sooner.

Responding to an Al Sharpton Post and Where He is Now at MSNBC

I continue to get views and comments on my July 27th blog post,  MSNBC’s Higher Ratings with Al Sharpton every few weeks or so. This was a wait and see post, but a few folks went off the deep end, because I did not bash Mr. Sharpton’s racial politicking and social angst. Then there were responses in support of Mr. Sharpton. I am not one of his supporters and take issues with most of his dispositions, but I am not a hater on anyone and that includes Mr. Sharpton. I do listen often (Currently listening to some segments of Neil Boortz in Atlanta through the computer) to conservative/libertarian and liberal leftist talk radio to hear the arguments from differing political view points. Since the liberal leftist side is far less represented in talk radio, the local urban talk radio station is where I go to hear the liberal leftist arguments.

Philly’s urban talk radio has Al Sharpton on from 1:00-4:00 p. m. weekdays. I do not listen to his radio program in its entirety, but I do catch segments. That also goes for his weekday 6:00 p. m. TV program. Folks in my household who feel where he is coming from is not represented enough on TV are happy with the fact that he has TV program, but they never turn it on. I think they are representative in part of many out there on the liberal/left side. I say in part, because one family member is just too use to watching local news and the national nightly news during the 6 p. m. hour. But many on the liberal/left side just are not into watching news programming.

Al Sharpton started out getting decent ratings as a substitute host. The viewer ratings starved MSNBC jumped on the ratings boost right away by putting Mr. Sharpton on and dumping Cenk Uygur who had only been in the early evening time slot for only 6 months. Mr. Sharpton’s viewer ratings went down,  but he stills pulls in higher ratings than CNN’s John King every other day or so. Now if someone subbing gets better ratings than Mr. Sharpton, he will be gone too! But then, maybe his situation would get a different handling. See the ratings for Thursday and Friday cable news programming here and here.

I think MSNBC also gave Al Sharpton a program, because of the criticism of the cable news station being pro liberal and pro minority, but did not have any people of color hosting in the evening line up. The cable news station would see some damaging publicity and reactions if they dumped Mr. Sharpton and replace him with a non black: thus,  Professors, Dr. Michael Eric Dyson and Dr. Melissa Harris-Perry are probably the possibilities if Al Sharpton ever gets the heave-ho.

Taking a Blogging Break

I am taking some days off from blogging. If you are new to my blog, I have a vast archive of interesting posts and you can find interesting headlines in the political, cultural and spiritual realms in my twitter feed in one of the left sidebars. I will also start sharing the thoughts behind the comments I make to family members and liberal and lefty Facebook friends that drive them to distraction. I will return to blogging late August/early September. Thank you for stopping by Right Cogency.