Loving Talk Radio in the Kitchen While My Family Members Hate It

Listening to talk radio is still a passion with me. It drives my family members crazy. They feel I hijack the kitchen radio. My nieces do not say much. They just change to their favorite pop music station. The adults would rather hear a popular gospel music station whenever they are in the kitchen, but if I am in there, they feel I am subjecting them to listen to talk, especially right-wing talk that they do not want to hear. One family member just shakes their head whenever they hear Rush Limbaugh talking. I always hear,”Please turn back to the music.”

When I first crossed over to conservatism, I listened to the entire programs of the popular conservative talkers. Today, I do a lot of switching around. I love it when Rush Limbaugh and Rev. Al Sharpton who are on against each other, bloviate on the same subject. I hear one for a while and then listen to the other. There are  a few times when I do not  agree with either one, but I continue to increase in siding with Rush.

Regardless of my political bent, I have always listen to local urban talk radio. Of course, these days, the only times I’m in agreement with the talk hosts on an issue is when it relates to something cultural or behavioral, except for conservative urban talk host, James T. Harris.  My adult family members are just as oppose to listening to the urban left-wing talkers as they are to the right-wing talkers. They even do not want to hear Christian talkers like Janet Parshall on the issues that affect all of us. All I ever hear is, “Do we have to listen to that?” “Turn back to the (gospel) music station.”